Inland Marine
Equipment & Property Coverage |
Rented Equipment: |
Remove Unattended Vehicle Exclusion
(Panavision, Hand
Held Films, Etc.) |
Loss of Use |
Owned Equipment: |
Rented Props, Sets, Wardrobe: |
Rented Furs, Jewelry,
Art & Antiques Coverage: |
The Props, Sets &
Wardrobe form provides up to $25,000 for furs, jewelry, arts,
antique coverage. If a higher limit is required, include the
additional limit under this coverage. A schedule/appraisal of the
item(s) will be required. |
Film, Videotape, & Digitalized Image: |
Stock: |
Faulty Stock Broad Form: |
Broadens the faulty
stock coverage by providing coverage for: faulty manipulating or
judgment of the camera operator or assistants; error(s) of judgment
in exposure, lighting or sound recording; use of incorrect raw film
stock or videotape or media/software; and errors in machine
programming or instructions to the machine. |
Library Stock Coverage: |
Expands the definition
of negative film, videotape and digitalized image to include
insured's original cut negative film of completed or released
productions, duplicate negatives, completed video tapes or other
related media. |
Expense: |
Party Property Damage: |
Office Contents: |
Animal Extra Expense: |
Rental Cost
Reimbursement: |
Limit Per Day. Covers the potential
additional expense to rent similar equipment after a loss. |
Accounts Receivable: |
Valuable Papers and Records: |
Money & Securities: |
Civil Authority: |
Extra expense due to
the interruption, postponement or cancellation of an “insured
production” that is directly caused by or results from the
operation of civil authority. The operation of civil authority
must prohibit access due to threat of or actual loss or damage to
property allowing access to or use of facilities you occupy or
intend to occupy in connection with an “insured production” during
the term of coverage. |
Agency and Talent Re-Shoot
Costs: |
Provides coverage
for contractually
obligated (yet
talent, services or
facilities costs
incurred to reshoot
the production after
a covered loss. |
Strikes or Civil Protest: |
As a result of an
sanctioned strike or
civil protest,
covers the loss due
to the interruption,
postponement or
cancellation of the
production. |
Waiver of Subrogation: |
Coverage Extension
Valuable Papers |
25,000 |
Signs |
10,000 |
Outdoor Property |
5,000 Per Item 25,000 Total |
Electronic Media And Records |
5,000 |
Debris Removal |
50,000 |
Employee Dishonesty |
5,000 |
Department Service Charges |
25,000 |
Equipment Recharge |
10,000 |
Pollutant Clean Up And Removal |
15,000 |
Sewer Backup |
25,000 |
Temporary Location |
25,000 |
Accounts Receivable |
25,000 |
Money & Securities |
5,000 |
Cinema Production
Enhancement Endorsement: |
Single Limit by Coverage |
Blanket Limit (100K) |
Agency/Talent Re-Shoot Costs |
25,000 / 1,500 |
Included |
Power Supply Interruption |
50,000 / 2,500 |
Included |
Civil Authority |
50,000 / 2,500 |
Included |
Strikes or Civil Protest |
25,000 / 1,500 |
Included |
Library Stock Coverage |
25,000 / 1,500 |
Included |
Animal Physical Damage |
25,000 / 1,500 |
Included |
Animal Extra Expense |
25,000 / 1,500 |
Included |
Equipment Breakdown |
25,000 / 1,500 |
Included |
Blanket Coverage |
n/a |
100,000 / 2,500 |
The figures above represent the Limit / Deductible. |
Worldwide Coverage: |